Aerial view of St. Michael's by Matt Sheldon

We are Mottram Parish Church:
the Church of England in Mottram, Broadbottom and Hattersley East

Find us at the Parish Church of St. Michael & All Angels, Mottram, or the Magdalene Centre, Broadbottom


Welcome to our New Vicar, Rev Adele Bridle

On Thursday 10th October, we welcomed Adele as our new Vicar in a wonderful ceremony conducted by the Bishop of Chester, Rt Rev Mark Tanner. A congregation of more than 100 people, led by the Worshipful Civic Mayor of Tameside, Councillor Betty Affleck and our MP, Rt Hon Jonathan Reynolds, welcomed Adele with cheers and congratulations. The Church looked beautiful thanks to the hard work of the "Holy Dusters", our talented Flower Arrangers and our Catering team. The Choir sang wonderfully, the Organ thundered and we all enjoyed a glass of wine and a piece of cake. Congratulations to everyone who was involved. It was a truly joyous occasion. We look forward to the future with hope and faith




This is the Season of Trinity


The Ecclesiastical Season of Trinity, also known as Ordinary Time, is the longest season in the Anglican liturgical cycle. 

It begins the week after Pentecost and continues until AdventDuring this season, the Church celebrates the Trinity, which represents the three persons of God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

It’s a time for reflection, growth, and worship as we explore the mystery of God’s nature and love. 

  For further information, Reflections and Prayers CLICK ON THIS LINK (Work in Progress)(15th June 2024)  


The Bible tells us that the Church is a ‘family’ and we are that - made up of all sorts of people with all kinds of stories. Some of us have been around the Church for decades, others are just beginning to explore what it’s all about. Some live just next-door, others travel from some distance. Not one of us is perfect. As a family, we meet for all manner of things - from school assemblies and Sunday services, to social events, weddings, funerals, christenings, practical support, prayer and bible study. You can find details of all that and more on this website. But most of all, we meet because of Jesus. Because he loves us, came to earth, lived and died to save us - and now, each and every day, gives us new life to serve our Father in heaven. However you’ve found us - and for whatever reason - welcome, we hope you’ll feel at home!

The Church is open most weeks for visitors and private prayer on Fridays from 9:30am - 11:30am. But please note that this is dependent on our cleaning and flower arranging schedules.

Quick Links:

Verse of the Day

“How great you are, Sovereign Lord! There is no one like you, and there is no God but you, as we have heard with our own ears.
2 Samuel 7:22
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north east view of St. Michael's
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St. Michael's interior
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Memorial Garden
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Magdalene Centre now
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Magdalene Centre - St. Mary's 1890
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Chandelier cleaning party
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Carols in the village
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Friends Garden Party in churchyard
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Walking with the Walkers

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